To begin, we will identify and correct three indicators that indicate that you require additional Montessori understanding. This will get you enthused (or even more excited) about performing Montessori work.
Full video training here:
Montessori Knowledge is Attainable
When you don’t know your job as a Montessori Guide, you feel lost.
You may have montessori skills but don’t know how to use them or when to use them. As a result, you become frustrated with Montessori work.
You want to do Montessori right, but you feel like you can’t.
Don’t worry, Montessori knowledge is attainable.
There are many ways to learn about Montessori.
You can read books, take classes, or join a Montessori community.
Noticing the Need for More Knowledge
There are three signs that will help you notice if you need more Montessori knowledge.
If you see these signs in yourself, it’s time to take action and learn more about Montessori.
Sign #1: You’re Not Montessori-ing the way You Want to Montessori
Do you find yourself not montessori-ing the way you want to montessori? Maybe you’re not using the Montessori materials the way you want to. Or, you find yourself getting frustrated with montessori work. If you’re not montessori-ing the way you want to, it’s a sign that you require additional montessori understanding.
Sign #2: You Feel Like You’re Failing at Montessori
Do you feel like you’re failing at montessori? If you feel lost, confused, or overwhelmed by montessori work, it’s a sign that you need more montessori knowledge. You can learn about Montessori by reading books or taking classes, or joining a montessori community for support and guidance.
Sign #3: You Don’t Know if You’re Doing Montessori Right
If you have questions about whether your montessori practice is correct or not, this is another sign that you need more montessori knowledge. To ensure that you are doing the right thing, seek out educational resources to help guide your montessori efforts.
With the right information at hand, you can confidently perform your role as a montessorian and excel in your montessori work.
By gaining montessori knowledge, you can avoid feeling lost, confused, or overwhelmed by montessori work.
Learn about Montessori in the Right Places
There are many ways to learn about Montessori.
You can read books, take classes, or join a Montessori community for support and guidance.
With the right information at hand, you can confidently Montessori the way you want to Montessori.
By gaining montessori knowledge, you can avoid feeling lost, confused, or overwhelmed by montessori work.
So, if you’re not Montessori-ing the way you want to Montessori, it’s time to learn more about Montessori.
If you don’t understand how to follow the child, then get on it as soon as possible.
If you want to do Montessori right, learn about following the child.
Here are some resources on following the child:
The Montessori MethodThe Secret of Childhood
The Absorbent Mind
The Discovery of the Child
Montessori from the Start: The Child at Home, from Birth
Practical Guide to the Montessori Method at Home: With more
To do Montessori the way you want to, get excited about the works, and feel confident in your skills, seek out Montessori knowledge!
Do Montessori Right by Applying this Knowledge
You need to have a plan on how to set up your Montessori environment and other important foundational issues.
If you want to do montessori right, learn about the following:
If you see any of these three signs in yourself, it’s time to take action and learn more about Montessori!
#MasterTheMontessoriLifeShow #themontessoriwayfoundationsframework #themontessoriwaypreproom #themontessoriguide #themontessorimethod #themontessoriway #MasterTheMontessoriLife #montessori #montessoriathome #montessoritopics #montessorieducation #themontessorilife #themontessorijourney #themontessoriexperience #montessoripodcast #montessoripodcasts #montessoriprogram #centeredmontessoriguide #normalizedchild #montessoridays #montessorian #montessoriactivity #montessorienvironment #montessoriquestions #montessorihomeschool #montessorikids #montessorimom #montessoriactivities #montessorimaterials
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