I am going to give you 3 tips to be a less stressed Montessori Guide and get back on the right track to gain smooth, successful Montessori days.
It is common for the Montessori Guide and mom to message me with the words “Hello!” or “How are you?” I’m completely stressed out, and I’m not sure I can continue to teach Montessori…”
Have you ever had this thought in the back of your mind (or on a daily basis)?
You are not alone in feeling this way.
Everyone has been there, and some of you are right in the thick of it right now.
If you are doing Montessori at home, you are adding the stressor of the Montessori curriculum, isn’t that correct?
It seems as if it will never come to an end! But I’m here to share some exciting news with you!
This article will provide three tips to help you become a less stressed Montessori Guide (teacher) and get back on the right track to achieving successful Montessori days for your students.
Are you ready to take on the world and reduce stress?
Prepare yourself by getting a pen and paper ready to take notes!

Watch & Listen to the Episode Here:
As you watch or listen to this training, know that you will be able to get more information than what is included in this blog post.
However, I really want to encourage you to take the time to watch or listen and take notes.
Importantly, this will be helpful to you now and in the future.
Tip 1: Gain a better understanding on the Montessori philosophy foundations
In your role as a Montessori teacher, why is this so important to you?
Because if you don’t know who you’re dealing with and why you’re dealing with them, you’ll have a difficult time dealing with what and how.
The Who: Maria Montessori.
You must learn more about her, her observations, her career, her accomplishments, and how she came to put together the wonderful philosophy known as the Montessori Method.
You must learn more about her and her observations.

The Why: What distinguishes Montessori education from other educational approaches?
What is the secret to its success? Why are the lessons and topics presented in the manner in which they are?
These and a slew of other “why” questions beg to be investigated further.
You can then proceed to the what (as in what to teach) and the how after you have established the who and why of the situation (as in how to teach it).
The Montessori Curriculum for Grades 3-6 can be intimidating, but if you understand the philosophy behind it, it will make a lot more sense to you!
Tip 2: Remember YOUR “why”
Let’s be honest for a minute.
Many of us are trying to imitate Montessori schools and put on ourselves a lot more than we should.
And the truth is, children learn best when our stress level is low.
How do we balance it all and relieve stress?
Between the prepared environment, Montessori materials and developing great lessons, it is easy to be feeling stressed on a regular basis.
We want our Montessori environments to be a place where we have happy, normalized children.
What are normalized children in Montessori learning environments?
Have you heard that term?
If you want to know why Maria Montessori used that term, what it means and why it is essential for smooth, successful Montessori days, you won’t want to miss Day 3 of the free workshop.

Let’s go back to WHY you are a Montessori Teacher
Let us return to remembering YOUR “why.”
You did decide to pursue Montessori education for a reason, didn’t you?
Being able to recall your “why” will help you to move forward and stay on track throughout this marathon experience.
Take some time to sit down and think about why you are doing what you are doing. Write your thoughts down.
Be honest with yourself while also being kind to yourself in your stress management decisions.
Avoid writing it down when you are having a bad day because it will be more difficult to dig deep and find the root cause of your problems.
However, once you’ve written it down, you’ll have a renewed sense of determination to keep going.
Keep that note close at hand so that you can refer to it whenever you need encouragement or to remind yourself of your goals.
Even better, arrange everything nicely and frame it to display prominently so that it serves as a constant reminder.
Tip 3: Be Kind to Yourself as the Montessori Guide
One of the things you learn in Montessori teacher training is that your main jobs as a Montessori Guide is to center yourself.
A lot of how your Montessori learning day will go has to do with how centered you are.
Children pick up on so much in Montessori classrooms, even things unsaid.
The beauty of doing Montessori is to follow the child.
Do what feels right in your Montessori and don’t listen to what others are telling you that you “should be” doing.
Ask yourself, “What are my goals for the Montessori learning day?”
Begin with the end in mind and go from there.
What do you want your day to look like at the end of the day?
Start slowly, stop feeling overwhelmed, take your time, and pay close attention to your children.
Remember that Montessori education does not solely emphasize academic subjects, but also places a strong emphasis on virtues such as grace, courtesy, compassion for oneself, others, and the Montessori environment, among others.

You are a Role Model
In Montessori teaching, you serve as a positive role model for them.
Be kind to them, but most importantly, be kind to yourself.
Do not overburden yourself with academics and allow the development of academics to obscure the development of character.
Choosing to be kind and caring people is something you want children to learn every day. If there is one thing you want them to walk away with every day, it is that they have learned to be kind and caring people.
That is critical to their humanity in so many ways.
Once they have gained that special understanding of how to be kind, the academics will be fantastic.
What you learn from this content will change your way of thinking and help you to discover the amazing Montessori Guide that I know exists within you!
So, allow me to reiterate all three points, and then I’ll provide you with information about the free workshop.
Let’s Review
1: Gain a better understanding on the Montessori philosophy foundations
2: Remember YOUR “why”
3: Be Kind to Yourself as the Montessori Guide
Following the Montessori way doesn’t have to be hard or stressful for you or for the children you serve.
Go back to the basics and remember what really matters.
As I mentioned at the beginning of the show, I have a Facebook group dedicated to all things Montessori, and you are welcome to join it.
It is none other than The Montessori Way Prep Room.
Please consider becoming a member of The Natural Homeschool Community, an online homeschooling community on Facebook.
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