Montessori can be stressful for the Montessori Guide (Montessori teacher) when she isn’t centered in several key areas.
I am going to give you 3 tips to be a less stressed Montessori Guide and get back on the right track to gain smooth, successful Montessori days.
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The Montessori Guide (teacher)
needs to be well-versed in the philosophy and curriculum, have a positive outlook towards the children, and maintain a sense of humor.
When the Montessori Guide (teacher) is stressed out, it can sabotage smooth days and disrupt the learning environment.
Here are three tips to help the Montessori Guide (teacher) get back on track:
First, take some time for yourself each day.
This may mean getting up earlier to meditate or going for a walk after work. Whatever you do, make sure it’s something that helps you relax and recharge.
Second, be willing to let go of perfectionism.
Remember that the children are learning through trial and error and that mistakes are part of the learning process.
Finally, find ways to laugh and have fun with the children.
This can be something as simple as playing a game or telling jokes.
Laughter is a great stress-buster and will help you keep things in perspective.
By following these tips, the Montessori Guide (teacher) can reduce stress and create a more positive, productive environment for everyone.
Avoiding Stress in Montessori
I am going to give you 3 tips to be a less stressed Montessori Guide and get back on the right track to gain smooth, successful Montessori days.
First, let’s explore what it means to be centered in our work as a Montessori Guide.
When we are centered, we are present with our students.
We are not thinking about the past or worrying about the future. We are focused on the moment and the children in front of us.
We are also grounded in our Montessori philosophy and practices.
This means that we understand why we do things the way we do them in Montessori.
We trust in the process, even when it is difficult.
Montessori Tips
1. Create a daily routine and stick to it
One of the best ways to reduce stress as a Montessori guide is to have a daily routine that you stick to.
This will help you feel more organized and in control, and it will make it easier to get through your day-to-day tasks.
2. Take breaks when you need them
Don’t try to push yourself too hard – if you’re feeling stressed, take a break.
Go for a walk, meditate, or just take some time for yourself.
It’s important to recharge so that you can be your best self for your students.
3. Seek out support from others
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, reach out to your fellow Montessori guides for support.
There’s no need to go it alone – we’re all in this together!
Do you have any tips for reducing stress as a Montessori guide?
Share them with us in the comments below!
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