In this session, we will go over three things that you must be aware of when it comes to Montessori Sensitive Periods in order to do it correctly.
Full video training here:
Phases of Development in Children
Montessori is not the first to introduce the concept of phases of development.
But it is one of the educational methods that capitalizes on the importance of pursuing learning skills and topics based on what children are interested in, but most importantly, what they are ready for.
According to Montessori, there are four distinct phases in a child’s development.
The first phase is the Unconscious Absorbent Mind (birth-6yrs).
This is when children have the ability to absorb information from their environment without any conscious effort.
They learn best through exploration and imitation.
The second phase is the Conscious Absorbent Mind (6-12yrs).
During this phase, children are beginning to be more aware of their surroundings and they learn best through concrete experiences.
The third phase is the Concrete Operational Mind (12-18yrs).
During this phase, children are able to think logically and solve problems.
They learn best through abstract concepts.
The fourth and final phase is the Formal Operational Mind (18yrs and up).
During this phase, individuals are able to think abstractly and critically.
They learn best through theoretical concepts.
Montessori Sensitive Periods
The Montessori sensitive periods are based on the phases of development.
There are four sensitive periods:
– Language (birth-6yrs)
– Order (2 1/2 – 4yrs)
– Sensorial (birth-6yrs)
– Movement (birth-3yrs)
During the language sensitive period, children have a great interest in acquiring language skills.
This is the time when they are most receptive to learning new languages.
During the order sensitive period, children have a great interest in understanding and creating order in their environment.
This is the time when they are most receptive to learning about organization and classification.
During the sensorial sensitive period, children have a great interest in using and understanding their senses.
This is the time when they are most receptive to learning through sensory experiences.
Finally, during the movement sensitive period, children have a great interest in exploring and understanding their environment through movement.
This is the time when they are most receptive to learning through physical activities.
Montessori believed that each of these sensitive periods were crucial for a child’s development and that it was important to capitalize on them.
Now that we’ve gone over the phases of development and the Montessori sensitive periods, let’s discuss three things you must know about the Montessori sensitive periods.
Go to the full video training above to see the entire lesson on that topic.
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