In this very helpful episode, we’ll talk about how you can be your own greatest enemy and hinder your own Montessori progress at several points.
Full video training here:
Do Montessori Right From The Start
You need to begin with a simple premise: stop getting in the way. In other words, stop being your biggest obstacle.
You’ll find that you’re the only one who can truly do Montessori right, and that you’ll progress much more quickly once you get out of your own way.
So how do you do this? It’s actually quite simple:
1. Stop making excuses. If you really want to do Montessori, you’ll find a way to make it work.
There are always solutions to obstacles; it’s up to you to find them.
2. Stop procrastinating. Putting things off will only delay your progress.
Get started on your Montessori journey today and don’t look back!
3. Stop comparing yourself to others.
You are on your own path, and comparison is nothing but a hindrance.
Trust that you are doing the best you can and focus on your own progress.
4. Stop being perfectionistic.
This is probably the biggest obstacle of all.
Remember that progress, not perfection, is the goal. Do your best and let go of the rest.
If you can stop getting in your own way, you’ll find that making progress in Montessori is much easier than you thought.
Just take it one day at a time and trust that you are doing the best you can. You got this!
Montessori Progress without the Stress
Stop the endless friction. This means that you need to see where the weak points are and develop a way to lessen those or get rid of them altogether.
For example, if your problem is a chaotic start to the day, or of the day or anything in-between, think about 3 things:
- Is there something in myself that is causing this friction and how can I fix it?
- Is there something in a child that is the problem that I can help them through it?
- What in the environment can I adjust or change to remove that negative situation?
The thing to remember is that it takes time and effort to make progress in Montessori.
If you’re not seeing results immediately, don’t get discouraged!
Just keep working at it and trust that the rewards will come. You’ve got this!
Montessori Training for Teachers
Stop winging it. Don’t go through the motions of doing Montessori without first thinking things through and planning.
Why? Because without a plan, you have no aim, no goal.
You’ll just be going through the motions without any real purpose.
A good Montessori training program will help you to understand all of the different aspects of Montessori so that you can plan and execute your lessons with confidence.
It will also show you how to troubleshoot problems that come up so that you can keep your students on track.
Finally, don’t try to do everything yourself. Find a good Montessori training program such as The Montessori Way Foundations Framework and get started today! You’ll be glad you did.
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