Are you wondering how to decorate your Montessori environment that align with the Montessori principles?
Then you can’t miss this training!
Do you want to know how to decorate your Montessori environment in a way that is consistent with the Montessori principles? Read on!
Full video training here:
The Montessori Environment
As you know, the Montessori environment is designed to support the child’s natural development.
Therefore, it is important that the environment is attractive and stimulating, yet orderly and uncluttered.
One of the ways you can make your Montessori environment more attractive and stimulating is by carefully selecting wall decorations.
Of course, you want to avoid anything that is too busy or chaotic.
But there are many beautiful and appropriate options available that will complement your Montessori materials perfectly.
Here are some tips for selecting Montessori-appropriate wall decorations:
1. Choose a few key pieces that are visually appealing and that represent different aspects of the world around us.
For example, you might choose a map of the world, a painting of a river scene, and a photograph of a field of flowers.
2. Make sure the pieces you select are age-appropriate.
For example, avoid choosing pictures that contain too much detail or that have small print.
Decorations the Montessori Way
When choosing wall decorations for your Montessori environment, it is important to keep a few things in mind.
First of all, you want to make sure that the decorations are in keeping with the overall philosophy of Montessori.
That means they should be designed to support the child’s natural development and be attractive and stimulating, yet orderly and uncluttered.
Second, you want to choose decorations that are age-appropriate.
Remember, the Montessori environment is designed for children of all ages, so you want to make sure that the decorations you select are appropriate for the age group you are teaching.
Finally, you want to choose decorations that will complement the other Montessori materials in your environment.
You don’t want anything that is too busy or chaotic, but rather something that will add to the beauty and orderliness of your materials.
Montessori Wall Decorations
With these things in mind, here are some great ideas for Montessori wall decorations:
– A world map: This is a great way to help children learn about geography and different cultures.
– A class photograph: This is a nice wa to personalize your environment and make the children feel like they are part of a community.
– A nature scene: This can be a beautiful and calming addition to your environment. It is also a great way to help children learn about the natural world.
– A Montessori material: If you have a favorite Montessori material, you can frame it and hang
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