If you are in the research phase and have been looking around at different methods of education, either for your children to attend a school that follows that method, to follow it at home in your homeschool or for you to actually become a teacher in that method, then you will benefit from this question.
Read more details here: https://masterthemontessorilife.com/is-montessori-right-for-you
I don’t want you to feel like you’re caught in limbo, unclear of where to go or what to do if you’re doing Montessori at home or in general.
Let me start by giving you a quick rundown of how I became interested in Montessori education.
Maybe something in my tale may resonate with you.
Then I’ll give you three questions to ask yourself in order to figure out if Montessori is the appropriate fit for you.
These questions are designed to get your mind working.
They’ll also enable you to clarify some of the questions you’ve been asking yourself about this topic in the past.
Accessible Montessori
I knew I had a passion for teaching others when I was a child.
I had no clue that when I grew up, I would pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Education (K-8th) with a minor in French and a Bachelor’s Degree in French (simply because I love languages).
Following that, I pursued a Master’s degree in Educational Administration in the hopes of becoming a school principal one day.
I could never have dreamed that I would end up choosing the crazy concept of homeschooling my children in my wildest dreams.
But that is precisely what occurred.
Introduction to Montessori
But I’d always knew I enjoyed teaching and was always looking for fresh and unique ideas and approaches to add into my lectures.
I first learned about the Montessori Method in 2005, and it wasn’t until then that I realized how unusual and unique learning might be, and how learning is focused on the kid rather than the teacher.
The child’s ability to learn at her own pace and through her own preferred learning path is what matters most.
I’m still a believer in the philosophy 15 years later since it has had such an impact on my life.
This program is significant because it will drive you to confront some of your limiting beliefs, which may have lead you to assume that you couldn’t do Montessori or that Montessori was more difficult than it is.
We’ll allay some of those anxieties by being open and honest about the problems that many of us are facing, as well as discussing possible solutions.
I hope they inspire you to give Montessori a try or to learn more about the technique, whether or not it is now a part of your life.
As a result, let’s begin with our thinking questions. Are you all set?
WATCH HERE: https://masterthemontessorilife.com/is-montessori-right-for-you
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