The purpose of this course is to answer the question: ‘Why are Montessori sensorial works so vital for children?’ so that you can obtain a deeper knowledge of this excellent subject when you put it into practice in your Montessori setting.
Full video training here:
The Montessori Sensory Subject
It is one of the most important in the Montessori curriculum.
It is designed to help children understand and interpret their environment through their senses.
When sensorial materials are used, children develop new means of ordering and understanding their world.
The benefits of the Montessori sensorial works are many, but some of the most important ones are that they help children develop:
-fine motor skills
-a sense of reality and a love for learning.
Important Montessori Sensorial Works
Some of the most popular sensorial materials used in Montessori classrooms are:
-the Pink Tower
-the Brown Stair
-geometric solids
-sound cylinders
-smelling bottles
– textures.
If you would like to learn more about the Montessori Sensorial Subject, we recommend that you take a look at our course “The Montessori Sensorial Subject.”
In this episode, you will find detailed information about each sensorial work, as well as tips on how to implement them in your classroom.
The Pink Tower, for example, is a work that helps children develop their concentration and fine motor skills.
The Brown Stair, on the other hand, helps children develop their sense of orderliness.
And the Knobbed Cylinders help children understand the concept of gradation.
But all of these works have one thing in common: they all help children learn more about their environment and themselves.
And that is why the sensorial works are so important for children.
Sensorial Works are Important for Children
There are several reasons why sensorial works are so important for children:
1) They expose children to a wide range of sensations and experiences.
2) They help children develop their powers of observation and discrimination.
3) They assist in the development of language skills.
4) They promote concentration and develop logical thinking.
5) They encourage independence and self-discipline.
6) They provide opportunities for creative expression.
7) They lay the foundation for future academic success.
One of the most important things that you can do as a Montessori teacher is to create a sensorial-rich environment for your students.
There are many ways to do this, but one of the best ways is to use Montessori sensorial materials in your classroom.
Each of these materials has a specific purpose and can help children in different ways.
By using a variety of sensorial materials, you can provide your students with opportunities to develop their concentration, fine motor skills, discipline, orderliness, and sense of reality.
If you would like to learn more about the Montessori sensorial subject, then please check out our other courses on this topic.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about this important subject!
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