During this session, we will discuss 3 of the best Montessori books that you absolutely must have, and why.
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Dr. Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori was an Italian physician and educator. You know her best for her educational method that everyone practices around the world.
Montessori was the first woman to graduate from the University of Rome Medical School and went on to become one of the most important educators of the 20th century.
The Montessori Method is a child-centered educational approach that emphasizes hands-on learning and collaboration.
Montessori typically designs classrooms to promote independence, self-regulation, and respect for others and the environment.
This fantastic Montessori method is used in public and private schools around the world for over 100 years.
Moreover, there is a growing body of research that supports its effectiveness.
The Montessori Method Principles
Remember that The Montessori Method is a child-centered educational approach that is based on scientific observations of children.
This method emphasizes hands-on learning, as well as collaborative and independent play.
Montessori believed that all children have a natural desire to learn.
Also, children have the freedom to explore their own interests and develop at their own pace.
Maria Montessori founded the method on the following principles:
– Children are natural learners.
– Children should have the freedom to explore their own interests and develop at their own pace.
– The environment should promote independence, self-regulation, and respect for others and the environment.
– Hands-on learning is essential for children’s development.
– Collaborative play is important for social and emotional development.
The Best Montessori Books
If you are interested in Montessori education, or if you are already using the Montessori Method with your children, it is important to read Montessori books.
Yes, these books can provide valuable insights into the Montessori philosophy and methods, a betters understanding of the Montessori approach, and Montessori activities that you can use at home.
The following are three of the best Montessori books that you should have in your collection:
- The Montessori Method by Maria Montessori
- The Absorbent Mind by Maria Montessori
- Maria Montessori’s Own Handbook
These three books are essential reading for anyone interested in Montessori education, as they provide a detailed overview of the Montessori Method and its underlying philosophy.
In “The Montessori Method”, Maria Montessori herself outlines the basics of her educational approach, including its child-centeredness and focus on hands-on learning.
This is the most famous Montessori book. Get this must-read since Montessori education interests you.
In this book, Maria Montessori discusses her educational philosophy and methods.
This book is an excellent resource for parents and teachers who want to learn more about Montessori education.
“The Absorbent Mind” expands on these concepts, providing a more in-depth look at Montessori’s educational philosophy.
I highly recommend all three of these books for anyone interested in Montessori education, as they provide a comprehensive introduction to the Montessori Method.
The Montessori MethodThe Secret of Childhood
The Absorbent Mind
The Discovery of the Child
Montessori from the Start: The Child at Home, from Birth
Practical Guide to the Montessori Method at Home: With more
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