Welcome back to our series on Montessori education! In this episode, we explored the role of fantasy in Montessori classrooms.
Today, I want you to continue that discussion and ask the question: is Montessori a fantasy friend or foe?
Come and decide if, after you read and watch, you think whether Montessori is a fantasy friend or foe.
Read more here: https://masterthemontessorilife.com/is-montessori-a-fantasy-friend-or-foe
Montessori and Fantasy
When it comes to fantasy, there are two schools of thought in the Montessori community.
Some people believe that fantasy has no place in a Montessori classroom, while others believe that it can be used as a tool to teach children about the world around them.
There are a few reasons why some people believe that fantasy has no place in a Montessori classroom.
One reason is that Montessori is based on reality and fantasy is not.
Another reason is that fantasy can be used to escape from reality, and Montessori is all about learning to deal with reality.
However, there are also many people who believe that fantasy can be used in a Montessori classroom.
One reason is that fantasy can help children to understand the world around them.
Another reason is that fantasy can be used to teach children about their own imaginations.
On the one hand, some people might say that Montessori is a fantasy friend.
After all, the Montessori method encourages children to use their imaginations and to explore the world around them.
And what could be more magical than that?
Montessori and Real Life
On the other hand, some people might say that Montessori is a real life friend.
After all, the Montessori method is based on reality, and it helps children to learn about the world around them.
And what could be more real than that?
On the other hand, others might say that Montessori is more of a foe than a friend.
They might argue that the Montessori method is too focused on academics and doesn’t leave enough room for play.
The Montessori method is based on reality and real-world experiences. It doesn’t necessarily encourage make-believe or pretend play.
So, what do you think?
Is Montessori a fantasy friend or foe? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
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