There are lots of factors that might make you feel overwhelmed by the beautiful topic of Montessori math.
Here are a few examples.
Let’s debunk some of these anxieties during this training session and discuss why Montessori Math is less difficult than you would expect.
First off, it is a system of teaching math that emphasizes hands-on learning.
In Montessori classrooms, students use materials to manipulatives to help them understand concepts.
This unique math curriculum is based on the belief that all children are capable of mastering math concepts.
However, this is if they have the opportunity to learn in a way that tailors their individual needs and abilities.
Watch the full training here:
And find the resources for Montessori and Montessori-inspired Math here: https://masterthemontessorilife.com/montessori-math-easier
Benefits of doing Math the Montessori way
In reality, there are many benefits to using Montessori materials for math in the classroom.
One benefit is that these math materials are designed to be self-correcting.
On one hand, this means that if a student makes a mistake, they will immediately realize it.
But not only that!
They will correct it without needing assistance from the teacher.
This allows for more independent learning and fosters a sense of responsibility in the student.
Additionally, they are often multi-sensory, which means they can appeal to different learning styles.
To be clear, this makes them an ideal tool for differentiated instruction.
Isn’t that fantastic?!
Montessori Math Resources
If you are interested in teaching mathematics in your classroom the Montessori way, there are many resources available to help you get started.
When selecting Montessori materials for maths, it is important to choose high-quality items that will withstand repeated use.
With proper care and storage, these math materials can last for many years and be used by multiple students.
Montessori hands-on mathematics is a great way to teach its concepts in a hands-on and really fun way.
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