![Master the Montessori Life Show 3 Favorite Montessori Quotes and What They Mean [Live Training] In this post, live show recording and podcast episode, I am going to share with you 3 favorite Montessori quotes for you to ponder on.](https://masterthemontessorilife.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/MTML-EPISODE-5-150x150.jpg)
In this post, live show recording and podcast episode, I am going to share with you 3 favorite Montessori quotes for you to ponder on.
Read more here: https://masterthemontessorilife.com/3-favorite-montessori-quotes-and-why
For many years, I’ve been reading Maria Montessori’s books.
This is a very interesting issue for me because I have never heard anyone else express the same enthusiasm for them as I do.
Are you curious as to why?
Many people dislike her novels because they are difficult to read and, at times, highly technical.
They were, after all, written in Italian, which was Maria Montessori’s native language.
She was also a genius, with multiple academic degrees (including a medical degree), which may explain why her works are so technical.
However, don’t let this stop you from learning more about this educational system!
This is an excellent instructional program that starts at the age of zero and lasts till adulthood.
In this post, live show recording, and podcast episode, I’ll share three of my favorite Maria Montessori quotes with you, and you can think about them as you read them.
“We must help the child to act for himself, will for himself, think for himself; this is the art of those who aspire to serve the spirit.” MARIA MONTESSORI
Read more here: https://masterthemontessorilife.com/3-favorite-montessori-quotes-and-why
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