Let me share with you why we love the Montessori philosophy!
If you are new to the philosophy, you will fall in love with it and if you are a seasoned Montessorian, it will make you love it even more!
The Montessori Method goes beyond academics.
It is a way of life that inspires independence, self-esteem and hands-on learning.
The Montessori Philosophy centers its attention mainly on the child. It is based on scientific observation of children.
It is a proven educational system with over 100 years of success.
Full video training here:
Love the Montessori Philosophy
You will love the Montessori philosophy for its educational practices, love it for the Montessori community, love it for its Montessori materials.
1) The Educational Practices: Montessori differentiates and individualizes education. In a Montessori classroom, each child works at his or her own pace and ability level. This allows each child to move through the material as quickly or slowly as he or she needs.
2) The Community: One of the best things about the Montessori philosophy is the community that surrounds it. There are so many amazing Montessori teachers out there who are passionate about what they do. They are always willing to share their knowledge and help other Montessorians grow in their practice.
3) The Materials: Montessori designed her materials to be beautiful, functional, and durable. They last a lifetime and are used over and over again.
These are just a few of the reasons why we love the Montessori philosophy! What are some of your favorite things about Montessori?
Reasons to Love the Montessori Philosophy:
The Montessori philosophy emphasizes on independence, respect, and community.
Independence: Children are encouraged to be independent and self-motivated.
They are given the opportunity to explore and discover their own interests.
Respect: The Montessori philosophy respects each child as an individual.
It recognizes that each child has his or her own unique needs, interests, and abilities.
Community: The Montessori philosophy fosters a sense of community.
Children learn to cooperate and work together in order to achieve common goals.
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