In this episode, I am going to give you 3 tips to: teach, model and grow peace in our lives the Montessori way.
For a variety of reasons, the Montessori Method is a very effective educational method.
A major reason is that pupils learn about Practical Life, which is a subject that is both distinct and different from the rest of the curriculum.
The entire video training here:
If you are working in a Montessori environment, whether at home or in a school, this topic is excellent for you.
By the way, this is an example of a Montessori classroom, which may be found in Montessori educational institutions.
When a child participates in Practical Life, he or she learns a range of life lessons as well as fine motor skills that will be essential later in life.
Fostering Peace Meaning
Peace education, which is incorporated in the Montessori Practical Life curriculum, is an excellent illustration of this.
Three strategies for teaching, modeling, and cultivating peace in our lives the Montessori method will be shared with you in this article, live training, and podcast episode for the aim of sharing peace in our lives.
What are the challenges to achieving peace?
I hope you find these suggestions to be helpful.
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Montessori Practical Life: Peace Activities BUNDLE
Teaching children about peace is such a consequential lesson that they might carry the rest of their lives, so make it a good one! In this set, you get 12 cards with peace words and 4 cards with Dr. Maria Montessori quotes about peace, some inspirational quotes by Dr. Maria Montessori, a list of 40 activity ideas to promote peace, a calendar to plan your activities and ideas for a peace table. This includes the 3 lesson plans with step-by-step instructions.
EU buyers, go here.
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